This WHOLE RED SNAPPER RECIPE will show you how to de-bone a whole baked fish.
You can buy the Red Snapper filets and WONDER about how fresh they are OR.....Buy the whole FISH!!
Most grocery stores sell whole fishes, the thing to look for is in the EYES and the gills (the bottom cheek bone opening) and the fins (they should be SECURELY attached). When you bake a gutted fsh, pulling out the fin with no resistance will give you an approximate time of doneness. (Think of this as being able to pull off a leg of a Turkey to check for doneness).
If the fin nearest the head pulls off very easy, then it's done. If there is a bit of resistance, then bake more.When you buy a fresh whole Red Snapper, you also need to look at it's eyes. Now stare at him. If he looks messed up or non-aware then it is old, and don't buy. If the fish can LOOK you in the eye with a clean head, then he is fresh.
Another way is to look at how deeply set the eyes are. If they are deep and murkied over, don't buy. If they are right there and clear, then buy. You can also push in the eye. If it caves in, don't buy, if there is a bit of resistance, then buy.
You also want to have you fish SCALED. Most grocery stores offer this as a service when they sell fresh whole fish, some don't. If they don't, then take home, and with a potato peeler run against the grain of the fish's scales, and remove. Do this over a sink. Drizzle water over skin as you do so.
Now if you're out there fishing, and you catch one, let it die. Then on the belly part, cut it open, and remove guts. Make sure you rinse out thoroughly before you even consider to bake.
1 fresh whole Red Snapper (about 3 lbs or so)
2 Garlic cloves or more, diced up
1 Lemon, sliced up
Lemon Juice
1/4 stick or more of melted Butter
Capers (a small handfull)*optional
1/2 Cup dry White Wine (Chardonnay)
Tin Foil
Lay the fish on tin foil on top of a cookie sheet.
Pour the diced Garlic, Wine and Butter over. Bake 350*F till fin comes out (about 20 min per pound)
When the FIN that comes out easily when TUGGED; (it's below the head) means that the fish is done.
Take your fork and pull out the bones using the tines of the fork and using a knife to help pull away.
Make sure you get all the bones. Now do the same thing on the top of the fish.
Again, make sure you get all of the bones out.
Slice down the middle of the fish. Carefully flip top portions over.
Take the tail and carefully pull out the spine. Sometimes it will break off the head, if so, carefully remove the head.
On the top part of the head is some succulent meat. Remove and put on plate.
On the bottom part of the fish, the only thing remaining are the gills (a boney fat part that was under the head). Remove that and the head and discard.
Now take your fork tines and run over each piece of fish fillet to make sure you got all of the bones. Then reposition and pour over the juices from the pan and serve.
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